Foundry Plus
Cast Iron Microstructure analysis Software - Foundry Plus
A software based on a touchscreen concept, Foundry Plus is the most comprehensive solution for cast iron industries. The software is used to estimate nodules, flake size and the class and number from 1 to 8 as per ASTM, JIS and ISO standards. Furthermore, the software includes various templates for reporting.
Option to get analysis report based on ASTM 247-67 or ISO 945_1 standards.
Nodules touching boundaries are excluded in analysis.
Artefacts less than 10 microns are excluded in analysis.
Nodules are separated from non-nodules on predefined spheroidicity.
The nodules/flakes form (designated by roman numbers I to VI) and size (designated by Arabic numbers 1 to 8) are reported.
The flake occurring in cast iron in the form I, are reported on the basis of type of distribution (designated by capital letters A to E) and on the basis of orientation.
The percentage of pearlite is calculated by excluding the graphite area.
The matrix of pearlite, ferrite, graphite and carbide are reported in etched sample.
Report is generated with specific international standards chosen by the user.
F% is reported in JIS method.
Image Editing
Cut, Copy, and Paste.
Selected copy by free hand AOL controlled by four arrow keys available on keyboard or mouse with zoom preview.
Crop, duplicate, restore
Conversion to another format such as BMP, JPG, TIF, PNG, GIF & PSD
Flood fill or spray with selected color at selected portion.
Grid creation; 5X5, 10X10 & 100X100 grids (or cells).
Drawing tool curve, line, square, and circle with node control and provision to change color & thickness of the line.
Write text in any color or font.
Pointer to place on an object in either of four directions with provision to change its color & thickness.
Eraser works only on line, arrow or on any drawing tool.(not on original image)
Camera Lucida
Montage feature to merge stored image together. Useful to Merge different focuses of same image.
Image stitching.
Pixel by Pixel Correction by key board.
Multiple image folder with Search facility.
Filter application on selected area.
Edge Detection
Laplacing, Sobel, Krisch, Prewitt Gradient, Shift & Difference, Combine, Contrast Base, Quick, Range and Variance.
Skeletonizing, Pruning, SKIZ, Histogram Equalization, Histogram Smoothing, Histogram Peak, Histogram Valley, Segmentation by Over/Under and Quantized, Contoring, Dilation / Erosion on Binary, Gray & colored Images, Opening/ Closing on Gray & Binary Images, Special Opening/Closing, Split/Combine of RGB, YUV, YIQ, XYZ, & HSL, Changing any Image to 1, 4, 8 & 24 bits, Medial Axis.
Transformation, Halftone.
Image Addition, Image Average, Image Subtraction, Image Multiplication.
Roundness, Shape, Orientation, Elongation, Equal Circular Diameter, Equal Sphere Volume.
Cast Iron Analysis
The dedicated module determines flake size from 1 to 8 as per ASTM, JIS, and BIS & ISO standards. The type distribution percentage A, B, C, D, E is calculated interactive tools.
Flakes per square mm is also calculated simultaneously.
Percentage of pearlite, ferrite, graphite and carbide is calculated from Etched sample automatically with predefined values.
Zoom in/out
Zoomed preview
Rotation at 90, 180,270 or custom
Image flipping; horizontal or vertical axis
Intensity histogram.
Image Information
Redo/Undo on all operations.
Image Processing
Background subtraction and contrast enhancement of color or grayscale images.
Arithmetic image functions (Boolean Math; Add, AND, OR, XOR, DIFF, MIN, MAX, +, -, /, *, And Simple).
Routine Filters
Invert, Brightness, Contrast, Hue, Saturation, Blur, Noise Remove, Emboss, Engrave, Gamma R, Gamma G, Gamma B, Yellow, Magenta, Cyan, Mosaic, Smooth, Desaturation, Pseudo Color, Colorize, Oilify, Despeckle, Posturize.
Special Filters & Karnels
High Boost, High Spatial, Low Pass Spatial, Ranking (Max, Med, Min), Point detection, Line detection, Homogeneity.
Centroid X, Centroid Y, Major X1, Major Y1, Minor X1, Minor Y1, Major X2, Major Y, Major X2, Minor Y2, Box X1, Box X2, Box Y, Box Y2 & Box Area.
SG Iron Analysis
The module automatically analyzed & calculate Nodulins/Non Nodulins percentage. Determine its class and number from 1 to 8 as per ASTM, JIS, BIS & ISO standard s, Nodules per square mm is also on Etched sample it reported.
Determine percentage of pearlite, graphite, ferrite and carbide.
Three options: Direct printout with original image processed Image & Tabular results.
Export to MS Office or Excel for further modification.