Computer Assisted Semen Analysis Software (CASA)
Introduction of Sperm Pro
Computer Assisted Semen Analysis (CASA) Software suitable for human sperm. This software analyse accurate, repetitive and automatic assessment of following sperm Parameters: Motility, Concentration, Morphology, DNA Fragmentation & Vitality.
'Sperm Pro' follows WHO Laboratory manual. Suitable for hospitals, fertility clinics and Labs to evaluate cases of male infertility and other practices.
Most of analysis are done with single button click. Results are displayed in few seconds. Reduce the operational cost by using reusable counting chamber. Measurement result can be printed with patient's details, graphs, measurement images.
Motility module performs motility (motion) analysis of the sperms from the input video of any time period.
Motility analysis is determined by computing the sperm cells movement and its path in the frame.
Motility measures the count and percentage of fast moving, slow moving and dead (immotile) sperm.
Also measures the overall count and percentage of motile and immotile sperms.
DNA Fragmentation
Performs DNA fragmentation analysis of sperms based on input image.
Identification of sperms in types:
Normal sperms
Fragmented sperms
Degraded sperms
Computes count and percentage of normal, fragmented and degraded sperms.
Morphology analysis perform parametric study of sperm. The module performs following measurement:
area of sperm head
perimeter of sperm head
its similarity ratio with circle and ellipse
acrosome content percentage in the sperm head
small and big axis (major and minor axis) of sperm head
Identification of type defects as per WHO standard:
Head defect
Tail defect
Neck and Mid-piece defect
Cytoplasmic droplet
Vitality analysis performs identification of live and dead sperms.
Measures count and percentage of live and dead sperms.
Three options: Direct printout with original image processed Image & Tabular results
Export to MS Office Excel, PDF, HTML for further modification.