Capture Pro

Microscopy Image Analysis Software

Capture Pro Microscopy Image Analysis Software

Capture Pro Microscopy Image Analysis Software provides a quick and easy means of displaying high quality video and capturing images on any USB 2.0 & 3.0 equipped desktop, laptop or embedded computer. The DIGIEYE camera is powered through a USB connection.

The Capture Pro Software is designed to operate with minimal set-up. Prior to plugging the camera into the computer, you must install the software.

Additional Features

Routine Filters

  • Invert, Brightness, Contrast, Hue, Saturation, Blur. Noise removal, Gamma RGB, etc.

Edge Detection & Morphology Function

  • Laplacing, sobel, Kirsh, Skelotizing, pruning, histograme equalization, histogram smoothing etc.

Image Editing

  • Cut/Copy/Paste, selected copy by free hand AOL. Resize, Crop/Duplicate/restore, conversion to other format like BMP,JPG,TIF, Annotation like, free hand drawing, straight line, square, Circle, arrow, Text, highlighter etc, pointer, eraser.


  • Zoom in/Zoom out, rotation 90°,180°,27°, horizontal flip/vertical flip, Redo/Undo, Intensity histogram.

Image Processing

  • Background subtraction, contrast enhancement, boolean math, ADD,OR,XOR etc.


  • Direct printout with original image tabulated results. Export to MS Office or Excel for further changes.